Sunday, November 24, 2013

C4T # 4

Hi,  this time I had the wonderful pleasure of commenting on the blog of the famous Marc Prensky- the man who wrote the textbook: Teaching Digital Natives- Partnering for real learning! Here are the comments I left on his blog-

comment 1- Hi, my name is Morgan Rushlow and i’m a student in EDM 310 at the university of South Alabama. I think these things you discussed in your video here were great suggestions about helping students to be brave but I believe there are many ways to help students be brave and take risks with their learning which may include being wrong, such as letting them think about some questions at home. I think giving them time to figure out their own answers to questions by researching and thinking about it at home would help them because they will develop not only their critical thinking skills but building their ability to find out more about topics they want to learn about. They will learn to use the tools around them. This will help them develop more skills than just one.I believe that when teachers reward students for what they learn after making a mistake if they can show what they learned, can help them to be brave and no longer worry if they are wrong.

here’s a link to my EDM 310 student blog-

and my twitter page-

this comment was an answer to the question- how do we help students be brave to be wrong and ask questions. here is that post- i gave examples of things i believe will help students to be brave and not afraid to be wrong and ask questions. I also stated why i thought prensky’s suggestions would work.

comment 2-Hi, My name is Morgan Rushlow and I’m a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I agree that technology will change everything about learning-from what is used in classrooms to the way students study- technology is certainly bringing a revolution in education. here’s a link to my EDM 310 student blog-
and my twitter page-

this comment was an answer to the question-what’s going to happen next in education?
here is that post- In this comment I stated my thoughts on the future of education.

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