Sunday, October 13, 2013

C4T # 2 summary

For my C4T # 2 I had the wonderful pleasure of commenting on Jeff Utecht's blog. I found it very informative and very interesting to read. I was glad to have the chance to comment on his blog. Here's the link to his blog- 

comment 1-
Hi, I am Morgan Rushlow and I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I thought this post was very interesting. I do believe digital technology will soon replace traditional textbooks and it will change education for the better. I believe it will open a new and exciting world for students.
Here's a link to my edm 310 student blog-

and my twitter address-

comment 2- 
Hi, My name is Morgan Rushlow, and I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I thought this is a very interesting thought that you have here, Jeff. I agree that education will change in the future. Could the reason be that this is scary to some is that there is uncertainty about how it will change things in education? Or could there be many reasons that this is scaring some? What changes will be coming down the road after these changes take place? Indeed many questions to ask from this thought- Very interesting.
here is a link to my EDM 310 student blog-
and my twitter page-

and here's the links to the posts I commented on.

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