Part 1- Text statement
Part 2- Video
After looking back at blog post 1-Blog Post 1-If I Built A School, What Would It Be Like?, I believe that I can imagine myself using in my future classroom all technology available- especially Apple macbooks and iPads. I can also see my future students using PDAs. I can see myself in my future classroom using any assistive technology available, such as the mountbatten braille writer.I can see myself in my future classroom using any technology that has ever been or will ever appear in the future. I will constantly keep up-to-date with all technology and continue learning about all technology as long as i live. Why use all available technology? Because I believe doing this will benefit all students including those with disabilities. I can imagine myself in my future classroom as a student-centered teacher who uses and emphasizes PBL and team-based learning. I can imagine myself in my future classroom letting my students use all technology they have available,letting them choose an option for each assignment that works for them and their parents. I will also let them learn about any technology available to them. I can see myself in my future classroom emphasizing these methods- group work and collaboration, creativity and resourcefulness(using all skills and tools to do what needs to be done and figuring out how to do it yourself-and teaching the students this as well.), and life-long learning. These are the skills I will emphasize and employ in the teaching process. I can imagine myself in my future classroom being a teacher who teaches her students to be well-rounded and always be creative and question everything they already know. What will my future classroom be like? I plan on teaching any subject in grades 7-12 when I graduate from college and i can imagine it being a relaxed environment where all students feel it is safe to learn and to express themselves as individuals. I can imagine my future classroom being one where there is no limit to what can be learned or technology available to use. How would I change my blog post 1 if I could go back and change it? Probably simply add some things to it because there are so many more things i could say after completing EDM 310. What I said still stands,but now I have so much more that i could say. Also, I would look back to check for any errors in spelling/grammar, etc, because editing and proofreading are important skills to have.
Part 2- Video
Well done.