Sunday, November 24, 2013

Project #12- Smartboard Part B- lesson delivery via smartboard- Braque Group- Morgan Rushlow, Daniel LoVette and Samantha West

C4T # 4

Hi,  this time I had the wonderful pleasure of commenting on the blog of the famous Marc Prensky- the man who wrote the textbook: Teaching Digital Natives- Partnering for real learning! Here are the comments I left on his blog-

comment 1- Hi, my name is Morgan Rushlow and i’m a student in EDM 310 at the university of South Alabama. I think these things you discussed in your video here were great suggestions about helping students to be brave but I believe there are many ways to help students be brave and take risks with their learning which may include being wrong, such as letting them think about some questions at home. I think giving them time to figure out their own answers to questions by researching and thinking about it at home would help them because they will develop not only their critical thinking skills but building their ability to find out more about topics they want to learn about. They will learn to use the tools around them. This will help them develop more skills than just one.I believe that when teachers reward students for what they learn after making a mistake if they can show what they learned, can help them to be brave and no longer worry if they are wrong.

here’s a link to my EDM 310 student blog-

and my twitter page-

this comment was an answer to the question- how do we help students be brave to be wrong and ask questions. here is that post- i gave examples of things i believe will help students to be brave and not afraid to be wrong and ask questions. I also stated why i thought prensky’s suggestions would work.

comment 2-Hi, My name is Morgan Rushlow and I’m a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I agree that technology will change everything about learning-from what is used in classrooms to the way students study- technology is certainly bringing a revolution in education. here’s a link to my EDM 310 student blog-
and my twitter page-

this comment was an answer to the question-what’s going to happen next in education?
here is that post- In this comment I stated my thoughts on the future of education.

C4K November summary

Here is my C4K summary for November.

here are the blogs I commented on-

here are the posts I commented on-

here are the comments I left-

Hi, Eric. My name is Morgan Rushlow and I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I think this is a story I think you definitely could write more on and make into a novel, eventually. I think that is good you wrote "to be continued” , because I think it should be. There seems to be a lot to the story that needs to be written, like how did “Stewie” escaped from the basement and what happens after that. I am interested in reading the next part of this story. Very interesting. Have a wonderful day! here is a link to my EDM 310 student blog-

Hi, Chloe. My name is Morgan Rushlow and I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I really enjoyed reading your post. I think you are a really talented artist. You are really creative, and it seems to me like you have a great passion for artwork.Your drawings in this video here are so lifelike and simply amazing. I think it is wonderful that you will be using your artwork for helping those in need. Have a wonderful day! Here is a link to my EDM 310 student blog-

Morgan’s Final Progress Report on PLN

Here’s how my PLN/PLE is going- I am really enjoying using symbaloo, delicious, twitter and google plus to form a learning network and connect with experts i can learn from. I find these are all helpful tools in learning and I would highly recommend anyone use them to form a PLN. I have learned so much from using these tools and had so much fun using them. 

Blog Post # 14- What did I leave out?

For this post Dr. Strange asks us to give suggestions for the course EDM 310. I really have enjoyed this course and see this course as a valuable experience I will never, ever forget. I love the fact that we in EDM have been learning about PBL and hands-on education by experiencing it here in EDM 310. This course-EDM 310 has helped me develop more of my educational philosophy and has made me think more about what I would want my future classroom to be like.  I would have to say that the only thing I could see to change the course would be: adding would be a post where students talk more about their personal educational philosophies and the kind of teacher they want to be and what methods they plan to use. Also, I believe it would be beneficial to include posts about the importance of the arts such as music, theatre and dance.

 I think all of this would be beneficial.

P.S.-Thank you, Dr. Strange, for a wonderful experience in EDM 310. I have really enjoyed it!!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Braque Group collaborative blog post # 13- Ken Robinson’s TED talks top-ten playlist discussed by Morgan Rushlow, Daniel LoVette and Samantha West(the Braque Group)

Our group discussed videos from Ken Robinson’s top ten TED talks (listed in the links below)
videos discussed here-

Here are our responses on some of these videos-

Arvind Gupta: Turning trash into toys for learning

by: Morgan Rushlow-Braque Group
gupta’s toys
Gupta and his toys-from-

Arvind Gupta is a toy-maker and he is from India. He has been in the business of toy-making for more than 30 years and is making a revolution in the educational toy industry.Gupta has gone to schools and presented his learning toys; and,needless to say, they liked them. He began his career as an engineering major in college in the 1970’s-he didn’t think about making toys in college but he went to schools and saw that children wanted to make and create things and was inspired to help them by seeing this- and he started making toys for them to use to learn. He shows us in this video that you can turn anything into a learning tool. Gupta in this ted talks video takes simple things that seldom would be thought of as having but one use and makes them into something else that can be used as a teaching tool. Gupta made geometric shapes with a flexible material. He also showed how to make the shapes of a ship, a bird and a hat and other things using newspaper. He created many things with simple everyday objects that  wouldn’t thought of as having multiple uses. Gupta shows us that almost anything can be turned into something else-one thing can have many forms. Gupta makes the quote in this ted talks video that “The best thing a child can do with a toy is to break it.” Why would he say this?Because Gupta believes that you can use any resource you have to create what it is you need to use-that means when something is broken it is still useful because you can make something else. An item that is broken can be recycled and can still be put to good use- in this case,it is used for learning.. This would teach children to be resourceful and to use what they know to create what they need. These are very useful skills for students they will need. Why does Gupta’s toys teach these things? Because they are simple toys made out of simple things that are familiar to children and when demonstrated by a teacher the students will be able to think of all the uses of the items the teacher used. These toys Gupta created came from his idea that to teach we should love others, use what they know,and what they have, to build on. He believes that when given the chance to actually have the experience with a concept they get excited about learning because they are able to see why and how the concepts they are learning
about works.

Nakenya Ntaiya: A Girl Who Demanded School

By: Daniel LoVette - Braque Group

I am sure to not be speaking for myself when I say that this video has the potential to make every American citizen feel like the size of an ant. Hearing Nakenya Ntaiya’s story makes me feel very privileged to live in this country. Ms. Ntaiya is from the Masai tribe in Kenya, and if just being in the tribe isn’t hard enough, being a Masai female is unimaginable. Masai members are tall, jump high, wear red, and hunt lions. As impressive as this sounds, their customs of oppression towards the female race are a tragedy that is happening all over the continent of Africa at this moment. Males are raised to be warriors, and women are raised to be mothers. Girls are engaged by the age of five, and are expected to be a perfect woman by the age of twelve. They have no say in political issues, family issues, career choices, or are even able to own land. By the eighth grade the average Masai female endures a circumcision ceremony by which any outsider would consider mutilation. The practice is unsanitary, and is the cause of many annual deaths of young female tribe members.

Nakenya Ntaiya has experienced this life and has overcome adversity to chase after her dream of being an educator and an activist against said practices. After almost not making it through the circumcision ceremony alive, Nakenya had an ultimatum to either become a wife and mother or to start high school which was very uncommon. After finishing high school, she was accepted to a women’s college in Virginia and had to get the tribe’s approval and support to attend, which was not an easy task. After getting the approval of sixteen male tribe members, she hits American higher education by storm and ultimately earns a masters degree in education. Nakenya has since started a girls school in the village and is making a positive impact in many student lives.  

The biggest obstacle an American student has to face to attend college is finances, and most find a solution. Not attending high school isn’t even an option, and even then we take it for granted. More students, including myself, have to realize that the education we receive is a privilege beyond measure. As a future educator, I hope to instil a sense of urgency to my students so that they might not slip through the cracks like so many do. This testimony is a great one, and it’s top ten TED position is well deserved!  

“To this day… for the bullied and beautiful”
Shaned Koyczan
By: Samantha West- Braque Group
Anti-bullying sign from-

“ We are not the only ones who live like this.” This one sentence he repeated, and it  is stuck in my mind. It is something to think about. Let us go back. Go back to when you were in Upper Elementary or Middle School. Who was those kids that were picked-on, bullied, and disliked? Were they you? Was you the Bully? These are the questions that went through my mind when I was watching this video. It is sad to know that our children will have to go through this. When I was younger I was never the popular kid because my parents were not rich, and I was not the prettiest girl. I did not have many friends, and it really hurt my feelings when I could not figure out why. When I got into High School, I lost a lot of weight, and was actually liked. I became the person who I had hated the most, a bully. I was so mean to some people, and later I realized what I had done. I have now apologized to every single person I was ever mean to. I thought this topic was just right for me, because I will stand up to bullying from now on. Shane spoke about being being adopted, and feeling unloved. He said he went from being sad, depressed, to wanting to kill a kid. It should not be like this. Children should not have to feel like this. Bullying is a subject that we will have to deal with for the rest of our lives. For some people dealing with it is different from others, but we are in some way affected by this terrible act. We are all beautiful in our own little way!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Project # 10- Interview Movie

Morgan’s interview movie project with USA professor J. Daughtry

Project # 15- PB-learning plan # 3- non-collaborative

Blog Post # 12- Braque Group Collaborative work- What Can We Learn from Sir Ken Robinson?

Braque Group’s collaborative post on Ken Robinson’s videos. By: Morgan Rushlow, Daniel LoVette and Samantha West

ken robinson quote
Ken Robinson and his famous phrase-from-
Ken Robinson- TED
Ken Robinson @ TED conference- from-
The Importance of Creativity- 

The Importance of Creativity

By: Morgan Rushlow-

Ken Robinson in this video made a wonderful point about creativity- that we need creativity in order to discover ourselves and to figure out who we are as a person-our identity. Creativity is the key, as Ken states in this video, to being successful people but, however, as Ken states in this video, creativity is not being encouraged in schools today and instead students are taking a path toward where the most money is made and what society believes is important to the economy. Ken believes students are not allowed to be creative in schools and schools kill creativity because society wants this cookie-cutter image of people, and so instead of individualizing learning to each student as we should be doing,education has been designed to produce graduates in this cookie-cutter design in which all students are taught the same way-with what is believed to be the “most useful subjects” prioritized in school while creative subjects are not being prioritized. Ken believes in this video that education is teaching students to not be creative because of the idea that creativity isn’t needed in the workforce. Ken believes that students are taught today that it isn’t ok to be wrong and that it’s not ok to be their creative selves in which they have their individual talents and skills which are unique to each person. Ken believes that the education system today caters to industry demands but it should be catering to individual student needs and passions/desires. Ken believes allowing creativity is important to each students’ success and fulfillment in their lives.  Ken believes that by not allowing creativity in school,many students are being left out in the system because some students’ talents are not being recognized because their talents do not lie within the frame of this cookie cutter image that is seen as desirable and important,but instead in the areas of study that are seen as less important and less desirable.

Changing Education Paradigms-

Changing Education Paradigms

By: Samantha West- 

Sir Ken Robinson had many key points in his video. He pointed out a very important key point to me, and that is ADHD. When my brother was little, he was sent to two specialists. One doctor diagnosed him with ADHD. The other said he was just a normal little boy, and he was. There was nothing wrong with him besides he didn’t want to sit in a classroom all day. They wanted to put him on medication that he did not even need. Doctors all over America are doing this now. It’s like we go straight to medication without even looking at what could be causing the problem. I find it interesting that my special education class was just speaking on this same topic Tuesday night. Do I believe our children should be drugged at such a young age? Of course I don’t. Do I think we should try every other thing in the book first? You better believe it! If nothing works should we resort to medication? That is the parent’s decision. Sir Ken Robinson and my point is how can we expect for every student to pay attention to, and I quote, “boring stuff”, when they could be watching TV, playing on their phones, ect. School is going to be boring at times, and teachers have to understand just because a child finds a subject boring does not mean they have an attention disorder.
Which leads me to another key point I would like to point out from the video. Sir Ken Robinson states, “ We shouldn’t be putting our kids asleep, we should be waking them up.” Hello! This is a wake up call to all of us soon to be teachers! He is speaking directly to us in this statement. My educational teacher always talks about how every teacher wants to teach to that perfect circle of students. Not the students that learn to fast, and not the students who learn to slow. Teachers want a class full of students that come in and understand everything on the day it is taught, and it can not be like that. We have to find a way to interest all the students, such as group learning. Group learning can keep all students busy and entertained. This keeps them from having time to act out. If you have not watch Changing Education Paradigms, Watch it. Sir Ken Robinson can teach everyone a thing or two about what should change in our educational programs.

How to Escape Education’s Death Valley
By: Daniel LoVette

In this particular lecture, Sir Ken Robinson discusses the problems with No Child Left Behind (NCLB), and the supposedly Attention Deficiate Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) epidemic. In addition he summarizes what the role of the teacher should be in order to counteract these problems.

Being from Great Britain, Sir Robinson begins his lecture with a joke: “Before I moved to the United States, people told me that Americans didn’t get irony.” He then explains that Americans in fact do get irony and that it is visible through the education program NCLB. H says that NCLB should instead be called, “millions of children left behind.” The American classroom is changing for the worse because our dropout rate continues to rise and students are disengaged in the classroom. Sir Robinson attributes this to the the natural personality of humans in that we are naturally diverse and that NCLB promotes conformity and the two cannot co-exist. I agree with this because NCLB implements standardized testing. Standardized testing should not be the main focus in education and Robinson states that they should instead be used to “support learning and diagnose.”

Sir Ken Robinson also believes that ADHD is not an epidemic. To him, children are not disengaged in the classroom because they are suffering from ADHD, they are “suffering from childhood.” This is a great point because children are not meant to sit and listen for hours at a time. They should be creating, and working through projects that are educationally fun. However, for this to happen, teachers have to change. Robinson says: “Teachers are the lifeblood of society.” Teaching should be a creative profession in which they mentor, stimulate, and engage students to promote life-long learners. instead of feeding facts to students, teachers should facilitate and let learning happen naturally.    

Ken Robinson
Ken Robinson- from-

Sunday, November 3, 2013

C4T # 3 summary

For my C4T # 3 assignment I was given the wonderful pleasure of commenting on Lee Kolbert's blog. here's the link to it- I found this blog very interesting as well as informative.

here are the links to the posts I commented on-

here are the comments themselves that I left-C4T # 3- comment 1-

Hi, My name is Morgan Rushlow and I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I thought this post was interesting. I think it is important to be "connected". Have a wonderful day. Here's a link to my EDM 310 student blog-

Comment 2-Hi, my name is Morgan Rushlow and  i’m a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama.I think people really can get lost in games, but some games can be educational. I believe it would be wonderful if games could be incorporated into classroom lessons.I think they can be a great educational tool. Do you agree? However, even though I believe it’s important to decide which ones could and should be used, because there are some games out there that are not educational, and some that don’t need to be played at all. Also, it is important parents have a say in what games their child plays because there are some that they don’t want them playing. Some may not even agree with it at all, but their wishes are important to consider.  Just a thought because I know that a lot of people play games and for those people it would benefit them greatly.

Here’s a link to my EDM 310 student blog-

and my twitter address-

C4K October summary

here are the blogs I commented on for my C4K october summary.

here are the links to the posts I commented on.

Project # 12- Smartboard Part A- Using the Smartboard Tools

Blog Post # 11- Kathy Cassidy videos

videos discussed:
Mrs. Kathy Cassidy’s Class

After watching these videos I believe her approach to using technology in the classroom is phenomenal.  I believe I would use all of the techniques she uses-such as Twitter, Blogs and skype. I would also talk with the students about digital citizenship just as she does. I also believe Ms. Cassidy did a good thing by talking to school administrators at the school she teaches at and parents of her students about what she is doing in her classroom because  I believe it’s always a good idea to get approval. I believe talking with students if there is a problem is a great idea because this helps students understand why something should or shouldn’t be done. What problems might I encounter with this approach in the use of technology? Probably the same as discussed in the videos. How would I address them in my future classroom? Probably by talking to students when there is a problem and put blocks on places they shouldn’t go on the internet and talking with parents and administrators about class activities. I think it is important to build communication with students, their parents and the administrators at the school, so I would communicate with all as much as I can. I will send newsletters home to parents with their students have talks with parents about their child’s progress, and email administrators about what is going on in my future class.  What benefits might I anticipate with these approaches in my future classroom? Increased learning and interest in learning. Creativity being seen in student work, more growth in progress each week and students building a larger network than simply inside their home and at school.